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Update on COVID-19(Coronavirus)

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

Up to date as of 1/3/2021

Out of an abundance of caution in response to the COVID-19 virus, Hillcrest will be having virtual services and streaming its to both YouTube and Facebook at 10:00am on Sundays. We hope you are able to join us online so that we can minister to you until we can come together in person.

Directions on how to watch Hillcrest's services online:


To access the virtual service via Facebook (only recommended for users with an existing Facebook account - see YouTube directions if needed):

1. Go to using your Facebook account.

2. Look for the pinned post at the top of the page.

3. Click on the video stream and watch!

Helpful hints for streaming:

Be sure your video is unmuted (click the rightmost icon), and that is expanded to fit your whole screen, if desired (second from right icon). Lower the video quality (fourth from right) if you are having issues withe video playing smoothly.


To access the virtual service via YouTube, go to or find us by searching "Hillcrest Church MA" on your device and selecting the video that is "LIVE"

Be sure to comment and participate using the chat!

Helpful hints for streaming:

Be sure your video is unmuted (third icon from left), that is expanded your whole screen (rightmost icon), or adjust the video quality (set this lower if the video isn't playing smoothly, fourth icon from the right).


Above all, we know that the Lord watches over us. Moving our services to a virtual environment is a major adjustment, but we encourage you to sit up at your computer, TV, or phone, bring your Bible and worship together with us even if we aren't physically together. This is unprecedented for us, but not for Him.

See you all in the morning! Use that comment box to tell your brothers and sisters in Christ that you're happy to see them and to pray, praise, and worship with us.

To learn more about the recommended measures for helping to curb the spread of the corona virus, members are encouraged to seek out fact-based resources, including but by no means limited to: or


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